David was born and raised in Canton, Ohio. Growing up in a Baptist church and Christian home, he heard the Gospel and trusted in Christ as his Savior in 1987. Acting on his desire for full-time ministry, he attended Pensacola Christian College to pursue a B.A. in Pastoral Ministries and minor in Missions. He then attended seminary to earn an M.A. in Bible. While in college, he met Stephanie, and they were married on August 7, 2004. He has been involved in leading a VBS, teaching Sunday school, going on visitation, ministering three summers in Moldova, leading congregational singing, and preaching in nursing homes.

Stephanie grew up in Heritage Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee. As a child, she trusted in Christ as her Savior and later surrendered to missions at age eleven. After graduating from a Christian high school, she attended a Christian college where she received a B.A. in English Education and Teaching Art as a minor. She has ministered through singing in the choir, teaching children’s Sunday School, participating in special music, and teaching art during her two trips to Moldova. David and Stephanie now have five children.