How to financially support us

What to do when . . .

Sending new support

  • Make all checks payable to BIMI, not to the individual missionary (put our missionary #1373 on memo line)

  • Send in the donation as early as possible in the month.

  • Use a separate sheet of paper to list the missionaries or projects being supported (include our missionary #1373)

  • Be specific on your support list. Many missionaries have the same or similar names. Including the field of service on the list would be helpful.

Sending regular support

  • Make all checks payable to BIMI, not the individuals.

  • Use only one check when sending in the support for several missionaries.

  • Send in as early in the month as possible to help with processing.

  • Return top portion of receipt with your check.

  • Your check will be dispersed exactly as it was the last time unless you indicate changes.

  • Make all additions or corrections on a separate sheet of paper so it will be noticed. Do not write these changes on the check.

  • If you use the envelope BIMI provides, be sure BIMI address is visible in the window.

  • Check every receipt received back for accuracy. Do not assume us to be right.

Sending special offerings

  • Use your own envelope for sending in a special one-time offering. The envelope BIMI provides is for regular giving only.

  • Be clear and specific on any extra support and its intended use.

  • If including extra donations with the regular check, please include a separate sheet of paper detailing these extras.

What to do if you think an error has occurred . . .

  • Contact the office immediately. If errors can be corrected in the current month then no donation will go to the wrong place and it will be much easier to correct. We are only able to go back 90 days on corrections, so it is imperative that questions are resolved quickly.

  • Include the receipt number located in the upper left corner of the receipt with any communication.

  • Correct your next donation by including a note along with your check indicating the change necessary.

  • If corrections are made, a corrected receipt will be sent. If a wrong missionary received the support, then a minus will appear before the amount being taken back and the correct missionary(s) will appear with the regular amounts.

  • There is usually only one staff member that does corrections. Allow at least a couple of weeks before sending or calling a second request.

What to expect from BIMI . . .

  • After every donation you will receive a receipt listing your support and how it is distributed and an envelope for sending in your next donation.

  • Special designations will appear after the missionary or project.

  • All donations received will be promptly processed and accounted for to the missionary by the last day of the month.

What you can do to help . . .

  • Check each receipt carefully every month.

  • Always return top portion of receipt with your check.

  • Always use the same return address on donations.

  • Always give clear instructions.

  • Follow these guidelines as often as possible, and send in early.

  • Put your donor # in the top left hand corner of the check

Where to send check . . .

Send all checks to:
Baptist International Missions, Inc. 
P.O. Box 9
Harrison, TN 37341