October 2024 Ministry Update
David Gross
9/28/20242 min read
As the hymn states, “To God be the glory… great things He hath done,” so rings out our voices to God. The last three months have been such a blessing and encouragement to us. Rejoice with us in the Lord’s working.
July 29—August 2, I preached a week of camp, the same place I spent my first summer at in 2001. We had almost 100 campers and about a third of them trusted Christ as Savior on Thursday night at the invitation. What a joy to hear several of them share how thankful they were to God to have come that week. Praise God for this fruit and pray for them to follow Christ further and put into practice what they learned on Friday night.
In my last prayer letter, I asked you to pray for Ghena, Victor’s son, to trust in Christ. On August 14th, he did! He was under conviction as we talked about the Law and said he needed to resolve his sin problem that evening. My heart rejoiced to hear him call upon Christ to save and forgive him. He has since been coming to the Bible studies and Soroca services faithfully. He also already wants to be baptized, too. Pray for his continued growth and testimony in the village where he lives. Also, pray for a young man that Ghena has been talking with and plans to come to our midweek Bible study.
On September 15th, Caleb preached his first sermon in Romanian during a morning service. He has done well, improving each time since then. While I was gone to the States for 2 weeks in October, he also led the midweek Bible study and prayer time, too. It has been a joy to see him grow and mature. Pray for the Lord’s continued leading and working in and through him.
Stephanie and I celebrated 20 years of marriage this year. We were blessed to be able to get away for a few nights in October. I am so thankful to God for a faithful, hard-working wife, who loves the Lord.
In October, I flew back to the States to attend the Deliberate Discipleship Retreat. Last year’s was focused on spiritual disciplines and developing an intimate walk with Christ. This year’s was on making disciples who will make disciples for Christ. An added bonus was having my pastor there with me this time. Attending was an answer to prayer and will have fruit in our lives and ministry here in Moldova. Pray for me to put into practice all that I learned during the retreat.
The Sunday I was gone on the DDR, Caleb and my missionary friend, Victor Pascaru, preached. At the end of the service, “Love” (who has been coming to services for a couple years), called on Christ to save her. Stephanie also led a young lady to Christ with whom we had witnessed to in the past. Pray for us as we do follow-up with these new believers.
Pray for us as we make ministry plans for the future. Pray for us to grow in the area of evangelism and discipleship. Continue praying for Abby and Caleb’s residencies to be approved. Thanks again for your prayers and support.