March 2024 Gross Family Update

3/28/20242 min read

A lot has transpired since our last prayer letter in December. I sat down multiple times over the past month to write this letter but more came up and there was more to add.

Thank you for praying regarding Abby’s Moldovan residence permit. By God’s grace, she was granted a standard 1 year permit. Please continue to pray for her and Caleb regarding post-graduation plans. They both graduate this Spring.

The first week of January, we did a one-day winter VBS in Bulboci and one at our house in our village. That same week, we also did a Christmas program for the officers and their families at the Soroca penitentiary. The Gospel was given and seed planted.

We had been granted permission by the mayor in Bulboci to use the library for our VBS programs and also for doing English lessons with Bible study. Due to a woman who is opposed to us and made a petition in the village for us to not use the library for the ESL/Bible lessons, we ended up moving the weekly lessons to the house where we hold our Sunday services. The mayor is not against us but was put in a difficult position. Future use of the library for our VBS programs is now in jeopardy as well. Pray for the Lord to work in hearts and grant us wisdom.

On January 14th, while in the village for our Sunday afternoon service, I found out that my Dad died unexpectedly from a heart attack. We had just talked via Skype on the Thursday evening before. A day before that, I had taken Abby with me to attend a funeral in a village. We talked about funerals, death, and how to respond to a loved one passing. Little did we know she would need to put all of that into practice in a matter of days. Stephanie stayed in Moldova with Simeon (who was sick), and I took the other four with me for two weeks back to the States. God gave me grace to do Dad’s funeral with Delaney Young. The list of blessings and God’s provisions and mercy are numerous. Through some churches and individuals, the cost of the airfare ended up being covered within a short time. I miss Dad but look forward to seeing him again one day, all thanks to Christ.

On March 3, we had the privilege to baptize Victor, a man from Visoca who has been coming with the Eli, another missionary here in Moldova. What a joy it was to baptize this new believer. Please pray for him to continue to grow in the knowledge of the Lord and be a light for Christ in his village.

On March 9, the day after International Women’s Day, we held a ladies luncheon outreach. We had 13 Moldovan ladies, about half from Visoca, the other half from Soroca.

Thank you for your prayers and support!