a view of a snowy mountain range from a ski slope

January 2025 Ministry Update

1/13/20252 min read

Over the last few months, we have seen God’s provision and work in people’s hearts and lives. In the last prayer letter, I mentioned a lady (Maia) who trusted Christ as her Savior one Sunday morning after service. Over the last couple of months, my wife and I have been meeting with her to instruct, guide, and help her both physically and spiritually. Please pray that the Lord would continue to work in her heart, and that she would continue to grow in her love for Christ and depend on Him.

One Wednesday night in December, our neighbor’s house caught fire. Thank the Lord that no one was hurt and that He supplied the money through several believers to help with the repairs at their house. Please pray that the Lord would continue to work in our neighbors’ hearts, in particular the husband. He has had a hard heart for years, but I think the Lord is softening his heart through this tragedy.

For the last two years, we have been creating our own calendars with the gospel on the back to hand out to people. Thank the Lord that they were finished in time and that He supplied the money for the calendars through a supporting church.

This year, we had two one-day VBSs at two different locations. There were more kids than we had expected, and more than we have had the previous years. Please pray that the Lord would work in the children's hearts and that they would think about what was said and trust Christ as Savior.

This month we also went caroling in Bulboci with some people from our church. We were able to give invitations to the VBS program and our calendars. Please pray that the Lord would use these calendars for His glory, and that souls would be won through them.

With Caleb turning 18, he needs to get his own residency permit. Please pray that we would get the documents together in time, and that the Moldovan government would grant him residency.

I have mentioned a sister in Christ, Tamara, who has been fighting cancer and diabetes for many years. Please pray that she would find her joy, purpose, and comfort in Christ. Also, please pray that the Lord would take care of her financial and health needs.

Recently, I was visiting another man in the hospital when I met a man named “V” who is a Jehovah’s Witness. He is seeking for the truth and wants to talk more about spiritual matters with me. Please pray that he would find the truth, and that we would be able to set up a time to meet and talk.

Pray for us as we make ministry plans for the future. Pray for us to grow in the area of evangelism and discipleship. We are excited for what the Lord will do both in and through us this year. Thank you again for your prayers and support.