May 2020 Prayer Letter

Paul said to be instant in season, out of season. I believe many of us understand a little more of what this means, thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic. Very rarely do both the missionaries on the others side of the world and the churches in America face the same environmental struggle. As followers of Christ, we rejoice that our joy, peace, and worship to God does not depend upon such external circumstances.

We want to begin by thanking those of you who have continued to pray for us and are continuing to give to your local church and missions. We understand that many of you have either lost hours of work or even your job completely. Thank you for all you are continuing to do during this difficult time. Many truly sacrifice in order to give to missionaries during the good times. Your sacrifice during these times only makes us more grateful for all you do.
Since our last prayer letter, the city of Soroca, where we live and serve, became the second hottest spot for the spread of the virus. The government posted military and police baracades at all entrances to our town, only allowing food and supplies and those with special permission to enter or exit. Thankfully, we have been permitted to go to the grocery store, which has been well-stocked.

Each week, Jacob and I have been calling the believers in Soroca and the village to check on them, find out any prayer requests, and seek to encourage them. Each week, I have ended up being the one encouraged by them. What a testimony of God’s grace in this time. Thus far, they have had food to eat, no health issues with the virus, and have testified of God’s goodness. Instead of panic or fear, they have been calm and praising the Lord. Please continue to pray for these dear believers as we continue to navigate through this situation.

This past Saturday (May 2), an older lady, who had regularly come to midweek Bible study and Sunday services when possible, passed away. We thank the Lord for the time we had to give her the Gospel and speak God’s truth to her. Please pray for her family in this difficult time, especially with the lady’s daughter being in poor health, and for the relatives to seek God’s truth for answers.

With the additional stay-at-home orders and the city being put in quarantine, ministry opportunities greatly dwindled. With the majority of those we minister to not having internet, online services were not a viable option. I contacted multiple companies to see about hosting a conference call for services but to no avail.
I had the idea of creating a video series and posting it online in order to give Bible answers and the Gospel to people in town. I made an introduction video (which I posted to the town’s community Facebook group) and four other videos. People responded positively until someone took down the intro video. There were still a number of people from town that watched the videos. Seed was sown.  If you have some Romanian speaking friends who you feel may benefit from the videos, you can find the link HERE.

In addition to the extra personal time studying the Bible, preparing for future messages, and getting some other things in order, we have enjoyed the extra time as a family. Our big project has been planting a bigger garden than we ever have. With the economic uncertainties that still lay ahead, we added new garden areas on our property. The children have been a big help and have worked hard. We have planted sweet corn, peppers, beans, peas, onions, garlic, squash, pumpkin, spinach, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Lord willing, we will have food for our family and plenty to be a blessing to others.

Thank you for your prayers and support, even through these difficult times.