April 2019 update

Over the past couple months, I have told my wife, “I believe this is going to be a great year!” I am excited about what God is doing in our lives personally and also in and through our ministry team here in Moldova.

This may sound strange, but Stephanie and I started being discipled by a veteran missionary. My training and experience includes many things such as visitation, leading people to Christ, baptizing, teaching the main doctrines, children’s ministries, music, preaching, and more. This past furlough, thanks to my pastor and the man who is discipling us, I saw my lack of knowing how to effectively make disciples for Christ who then make disciples who will make disciples.
In wanting to obey Christ’s command in Matthew 28:19 to go and make disciples and to teach faithful men “who shall be able to teach other also” (2 Timothy 2:2), we are meeting each week to be discipled ourselves and learn how to effectively make disciples who will then make disciples. As I have talked with other missionaries, pastors, and believers, I have seen that we are not alone in needing to grow in this area. Please pray for us to excel in learning to make disciples and training others to do the same.

In some ways it is now routine but still so vital to us… receiving new residency permits to live and work here in Moldova. Praise the Lord that we were once again granted new residency permits.

In a small village work, the little things can often seem big. For example, we had about five people absent from the service this past Sunday, which may not seem like a lot for some churches, but for this church plant, that was about half the people we have coming. The 90 year old man I mentioned in our January prayer letter has not been able to come due to health reasons most weeks. We have also been experiencing opposition from the Orthodox priest in his village and son who lives next door. These kinds of things don’t feel like progress, but we know God is still working.
A woman from the village group invited a neighbor who ended up coming to service. He publically shared his struggles and his desire to see his life changed. I have since shared with him the Gospel, took him with me for an entire day, and met with him to answer his questions. He seems to understand the Gospel, is continuing to think things through, and has asked some very good questions. Please pray for wisdom to answer the questions and for the cares of this world to not steal the seed planted.

We have also felt like we have taken some steps backwards in the work in Soroca. From people moving out of town or country, joining up with another evangelical group starting a church in town, and people drifting from the Lord, we feel like we are starting over again. In spite of this, I am still excited as to what God is going to do over the next year.
Lord willing, I will be starting a chronological, evangelistic Bible study with a couple this week. There are others with whom we continue to sow seed and water. The others in our team are also working to lead others to Christ. We expect God will give an increase and that we will reap if we faint not. Pray that we will not be weary in well doing, be diligent and bold in witnessing, and have patience till God gives the increase.

This month, Abby and Caleb both got braces. While cheaper than in America, having to pay for two in braces was still a huge chunk of money to pay out. The last couple months, there have been some churches that have given us extra money, over and above the usual amount. They were not aware of the need, but God was. Praise the Lord for His working to help meet our needs through His people.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support!