April-July 2024 update

Thank you for your prayers and support and interest in our ministry. This has been an unusually busy spring and summer.

In April, Stephanie’s parents came to visit. They were able to see and participate in Daniel and Ana’s baptism. Daniel and Ana have been saved for several years and felt the Lord convicting them to take that next step of obedience, and we praise the Lord.

In May, we celebrated Christ’s resurrection and held a children’s program in Bulboci at the library.  Later that month, we were able to go to the bi-annual BIMI European field conference, held this year in Croatia. The kids were able to see their friends again, and we were able to enjoy fellowship with some missionaries we had met over the years as well. The preaching was an encouragement.

In June, a mission team from Sligo Baptist Church in Maryland came to visit, consisting of a family we are friends with and an additional teen. Oscar, the team leader, went on visits with me, being used of the Lord with what he added to the discussions with people. The young people, in addition to participating in ESL/Bible club in the village, gave testimonies and played piano during Sunday services. Since our children do not have Christians friends close by, the team ministered to our children with all the time and attention they gave. We all enjoyed the fellowship of that visit. Also, in June I requested permission from the village of Bulboci mayor to use the library for the VBS, as we have in the past. But that was denied due to opposition we’ve had from some in the village.

In July we had a busy month with three weeks of VBS: one in Bulboci at a member’s house, one in Zastinca at our house, and one in Soroca. We had very good turn outs at each week, with a high of 29 one day at our house. Children even participated very well in learning the extra verses to win prizes. Several said more than 30 verses. Parents and grandparents came to the grand finale on the Fridays where we do a recap of the week and offer Bibles. The gospel went out, and we praise the Lord for Seed sown. Also, I am scheduled to preach at a camp two hours north the end of July. Please pray for the Spirit’s working in lives that week.

The three ongoing Bible studies are going well. One of these is discipling Victor, the man who was baptized this spring. I got to meet his son just recently who showed up unexpectedly to the study with Bible in hand. Please pray for Victor’s growth and for his son’s salvation. Please continue to pray for the English speaking man, “V,” that the Lord will give me wisdom in convincing him that God is good and that he needs to get saved. The other study with a couple has been going on for a few years now, but the man is doing his homework and continues to be interested in the truth, though neither he nor his wife have made a clear decision to trust Christ.

Please pray for our residencies that must be renewed this fall, winter, and spring. Caleb will turn 18 in January and must have his own permit. Abby’s will need to be renewed this fall, and ours expires this spring. The laws pertaining to our residencies are constantly changing, so pray the Lord will be gracious in letting us continue to be here and give the Gospel.

Thanks again for your prayers.