Doing things the Moldovan way…

Since our arrival back in Moldova, we found that all the apartments for rent are already taken that we had on the list we were compiling.  While we know there may come up other available apartments later, this led us to considering the possibility of living in our unfinished house by doing a quick fix on two rooms upstairs.  We talked things through and prayed about it over the past couple days.  Many Moldovans will live in a room or two while they work on finishing their homes, which often takes many years to do.  We are planning to do things the Moldovan way, too.

I will be leaving for Soroca, Lord willing, on Monday with a Moldovan friend of mine to enclose in one room for our living quarters and turn the other one into our kitchen/dining room.  We have electricity run to the house, I just have to run wires to the inside for us to have what we need.  We also need to make the nicest outhouse we can :0)  While out water will in the meantime come from the well right outside our gate, please pray that the running water project will complete in the near future and that we’ll have running water.  Please also pray for safety as my friend and I work next week.

An update on Dr. Natalia, too.  Stephanie had her appointment with her this week and was able to find out if there has been any spiritual progress.  She told Stephanie that she has been reading the New Testament and her daughter has been reading and asking her mom questions.  We thank the Lord for this progress.  Please continue praying for Dr. Natalia.

An update on Gregori.  I accidentally called the wrong Gregori this week and ended up getting the one who I had met with to share the Gospel before we left for furlough.  He is the one who has a son who he wanted me to meet but he never called me.  His wife and son are now going to a large Baptist church in the capital city, Chisinau, and he has given much thought to our discussion.  I asked him if he has repented and trusted Christ yet, but he said he has not.  Please keep praying for Gregori.