June 2013 Prayer Letter

Shortly after we wrote our last prayer letter, we ended up buying the house in Soroca.P1040474  Thank you very much for praying for us in this decision, as it was not without challenges that we were able to see the Lord work out.  We were hoping to put off replacing the roof, but it needed replaced in order to resolve several problems, which ended up costing much more than we had expected.  Lord willing, the roof will be completed and the house closed up with most of our belongings before we fly out on July 31st.  We have most of the inside of the house to complete upon our return from furlough, but we are thankful for God’s provisions and the work completed thus far.  Please pray for the finishing of the roof to go well and that the moving of our belongings goes smoothly.

Our furlough schedule is about booked for our first 5 months of furlough and only have January through our departure in March left to book.  The pastors and churches have been very gracious and accommodating in allowing us to book meetings while in the area.  So far, we will not be zig-zagging the country but following a continuous route.  This will keep costs down, be easier on our family, and reduce the number of hours our children are strapped in the van.  Thank you for praying for our furlough plans to come together.  Please pray for the scheduling for the 2 ½ months after the New Year to also come together nicely.

Caleb had a minor corrective surgery done in the middle of June.  All went very well, and P1040450he is healing up nicely.  The other issues are not pressing, and the doctor said we can wait until after our furlough.

A lady from church invited the Hughes and us to her house for supper, cherry-picking, and to have a chance to witness to her husband, who is lost.  A perfect moment opened up for me to talk alone with him about his need for salvation and how Christ can save him from his sins.  He knew many things in his head but gave excuses, like hypocrites in the church, as reasons he has not repented and trusted Christ as Savior.  I have an open invitation back to their house right before we leave for America.   He is 61 years old and battling a tumor that may be cancerous.   Please pray for Ioan (John) to let go of his excuses and trust Christ before it is eternally too late.

When will we have the privilege of leading our first soul to Christ in Soroca?  Only God knows, but I cannot help but wonder who it will be.  Oleg, the man in charge of the roof work at the house, is a former Jehovah’s Witness, and we’ve began to talk about Christ.  Dusia, a lady in our neighborhood I met this week, invited Abby over to play with her visiting granddaughter.  I was able to start witnessing to her and leave her with a Gospel tract and a Bible for her to start reading in John.  Other seed was planted and contacts made while we were searching for a house to buy.  Seed is starting to be sown and watered.  We are praying for a harvest.  While we are looking forward to some aspects of furlough, we are even more excited about the work ahead after we return home to Moldova.  Please pray for us to be faithful and for souls to be saved in the time to come in Soroca.

6347 Prairie View Dr.
Bartlett, TN  38134