What’s an American doing here?

When we moved into our apartment last month, the last thing I expected to find was an American living down on first floor.  No, he is not a missionary.  He is married to a Moldovan and has had a very interesting life.  Our talking so far has been confined to the times we are entering or exiting the building and happen to see him feeding the pigeons or looking outside the kitchen window.  He has been very kind and welcoming to my family and me since we first met him.  I have had it on my schedule for the past two weeks to try and meet with him, but due to the complications with Stephanie’s pregnancy and then the loss, I have had other things to tend to.

One time a week or so ago, Abby and Caleb were with me as we were carrying groceries back to the apartment.  Our friend was there at his window and we were able to talk some.  Abby came right out and asked him, “Are you saved?”  His response was that he knows “the Big Guy upstairs” and can even speak in tongues.  I gather from this that he has some religious background.  I so want to meet with him and further talk about his relationship with God and get to know him more.  Unfortunately, he just accepted a contract to do some work in Afghanistan for several months and leaves this Saturday.  I talked with him tonight and am going to try and meet with him tomorrow.  Please pray for us to be able to meet and for me to clearly give the Gospel to him with love and the power of the Holy Spirit and find out where he stands spiritually.